The Wto Agreement on Government Procurement (1994)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Government Procurement (1994) is an international agreement that aims to promote fairness and transparency in government procurement. The agreement sets out a framework for the procurement of goods, services, and construction works by governments and other public entities, with the aim of ensuring equal treatment of suppliers from all countries.

What is the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement?

The WTO Agreement on Government Procurement is a plurilateral agreement that was negotiated during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations between 1986 and 1994. The agreement applies to the procurement of goods, services, and construction works by government agencies and other public entities in the countries that have signed the agreement.

The agreement aims to promote fair and transparent procurement practices, while also ensuring that suppliers from all countries have equal access to government procurement opportunities. It establishes rules for the procurement process, including requirements for advertising and publication of procurement opportunities, rules for the evaluation of bids, and procedures for reviewing bid protests.

How Does the Agreement Benefit Suppliers?

By providing a level playing field for suppliers from all countries, the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement helps to create more opportunities for businesses to compete for government contracts. This can be particularly beneficial for smaller businesses and those from developing countries, which may not have the same level of access to government procurement opportunities as larger or more established companies.

In addition, by promoting transparency in the procurement process, the agreement helps to reduce the risk of corruption and favoritism. This can help to increase confidence in government procurement processes, both locally and internationally.

How Does the Agreement Benefit Governments?

For governments, the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement helps to ensure that they are obtaining the best value for money in their procurement processes. By requiring competitive bidding, the agreement promotes a more efficient allocation of resources and helps to reduce costs.

In addition, by providing greater access to suppliers from all countries, the agreement can help governments to obtain the best possible goods and services at the best possible price. This can be particularly beneficial for countries that do not have a strong domestic market for certain goods and services, as it can provide greater opportunities for international suppliers to compete for government contracts.


The WTO Agreement on Government Procurement is an important international agreement that promotes fair and transparent procurement practices. By providing a level playing field for suppliers from all countries, it helps to create more opportunities for businesses to compete for government contracts. For governments, the agreement helps to ensure that they are obtaining the best value for money in their procurement processes. Overall, the agreement promotes greater efficiency and fairness in government procurement processes, which can benefit both suppliers and governments alike.