Sample Director Agreement

A sample director agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities and expectations of a company’s director. It serves as a guide for the director, the board of directors, and other stakeholders to understand the director’s role and the decisions they are expected to make.

A director agreement typically covers a wide range of topics, including the director`s term of appointment, remuneration, duties, conflicts of interest, and confidentiality. It is a crucial document that sets the tone for the director`s relationship with the company and its stakeholders.

Term of Appointment

The first section of the director agreement outlines the term of the director’s appointment. This includes the start and end date of the director`s term, as well as any renewal terms. This section also outlines the circumstances under which the director’s appointment may be terminated, such as for breaches of the director`s duties or if the director resigns.


The next section of the director agreement outlines the director`s remuneration. This includes the director`s salary, bonuses, and any other compensation that the director is entitled to. It also outlines any expenses that the director can claim during the course of their work, such as travel expenses or accommodation.


The duties section of the director agreement outlines the responsibilities of the director. This includes the director`s duties to the company, the shareholders, and any other stakeholders. It also outlines any specific duties that the director is responsible for, such as overseeing the company’s finances, operations, or legal compliance.

Conflicts of Interest

The conflicts of interest section of the director agreement outlines any situations where the director may have a conflict of interest. This includes any relationships that the director may have with other companies or individuals that could potentially impact their ability to make decisions in the best interests of the company.


The confidentiality section of the director agreement outlines the director`s obligations to maintain the confidentiality of the company`s information. This includes any confidential information about the company`s operations, finances, or intellectual property.


In conclusion, a sample director agreement is an essential document that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of a company`s director. It is a legally binding document that serves as a guide for the director`s relationship with the company and its stakeholders. When creating a director agreement, it is important to include all relevant information to ensure that the director fully understands their role and obligations.