Water Well Lease Agreement

Water Well Lease Agreement – A Comprehensive Guide

Water is one of the most precious resources we have, and access to clean and secure water is essential for both our personal and professional lives. In some situations, drilling a water well is the best solution to ensure the supply of clean water. However, drilling a well can be costly, and not everyone can afford it. This is where a water well lease agreement comes in, which is a legal contract between two parties permitting the lessee to use the water found in the lessor`s well for a specific purpose.

What is a Water Well Lease Agreement?

A water well lease agreement is a legal contract between the owner of a well (lessor) and the party seeking to use the well`s water for a specific purpose (lessee). The agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the lessee can access and use the well`s water, including the quantity of water, the duration of the lease, the price, and any other restrictions and provisions.

Benefits of a Water Well Lease Agreement

A water well lease agreement benefits both the lessor and the lessee in the following ways:

For Lessor:

1. Generates Additional Income – The lessor can earn additional income by leasing the water well to a lessee for a specific period.

2. Reduced Maintenance Costs – The lease agreement can include terms that require the lessee to bear some or all of the maintenance costs, thereby reducing the lessor`s expenses.

3. Better Control – The lessor can have better control over the water usage and ensure that the lessee uses the water responsibly.

For Lessee:

1. Cost-Effective – The lessee can access clean water from a well without incurring the high costs associated with drilling a new well.

2. Flexible – The lessee can negotiate the terms and conditions of the lease agreement, making it flexible and tailored to their specific needs.

3. Convenient – The lessee can get water from a well located in close proximity to their property.

Key Sections of a Water Well Lease Agreement

A water well lease agreement should include the following key sections:

1. Identity of Parties – This section should state the names and addresses of both the lessor and the lessee.

2. Description of the Property – The agreement should include a detailed description of the property where the well is located, including the legal description, dimensions, and access points.

3. Term of Agreement – This section should specify the duration of the lease agreement, including the start and end date.

4. Water Quantity – The agreement should state the amount of water the lessee is entitled to use from the well, whether it is a fixed quantity (gallons per day) or a percentage of the total water output.

5. Payment Terms – This section should specify the price the lessee agrees to pay for using the water, including payment method and frequency.

6. Maintenance and Repairs – The agreement should outline the responsibility and costs for maintaining and repairing the well, pump, and related equipment.

7. Termination and Default – This section should outline the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated and the consequences for default by either party.


A water well lease agreement is a legally binding document that provides a framework for the proper usage of water from a well. It is important to consult with a legal expert to draft a comprehensive agreement that reflects the interest of both the lessor and lessee. The agreement should include all the essential terms and provisions that reflect the understanding of both parties. With a well-drafted water well lease agreement, both parties can enjoy the benefits of an efficient and cost-effective water supply.

Practice of Subject Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is one of the essential aspects of English grammar that every writer and editor should be familiar with. It is the practice of matching the subject of a sentence with its corresponding verb in terms of tense and number. This ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the intended message accurately.

In simple terms, subject-verb agreement means that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. For example, “He runs” is correct (singular subject and verb), while “He run” is incorrect (mismatched subject and verb). Similarly, “They run” is correct (plural subject and verb), while “They runs” is incorrect.

However, subject-verb agreement can become more complex when dealing with compound subjects, collective nouns, and indefinite pronouns.

Compounds subjects are two or more subjects that are joined by conjunctions, such as “and” or “or.” In this case, the verb should agree with the subject closest to it. For instance, “John and Sarah are playing” and “John or Sarah is playing” are both correct.

Collective nouns refer to a single group or entity. Examples include “team,” “family,” or “committee.” When using collective nouns, the verb can either match the group as a single entity (singular) or its individual members (plural). For example, “The committee is meeting” (singular) or “The committee are discussing their opinions” (plural).

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things such as “everyone,” “someone,” or “anything.” These pronouns are usually singular, and as such, require a singular verb. For instance, “Everyone is invited,” not “Everyone are invited.”

In conclusion, the practice of subject-verb agreement is crucial for effective communication in English writing. Proper application of this rule ensures that sentences are grammatically sound and clear, thus allowing the reader to understand the intended message. As an SEO copy editor, mastery of subject-verb agreement will not only improve your content`s readability but also enhance its search engine rankings.